Site database transferred to new schema

Created 11th March, 2007 16:08 (UTC), last edited 12th March, 2007 05:27 (UTC)

Transfer started at 2007-03-11 16:05:51.219 and completed at 2007-03-11 16:08:44.606

Yesterday we did another small schema update. There shouldn't be any visible changes to the site as a result. We've just tidied up a number of smaller issues.

Server move

This week we have to move the server. I'm not yet sure whether the site will be down for a few hours when the server moves or whether we'll transfer to another slower server whilst we do the move. The backup server is in Thailand, whilst the main server is in the UK and for various reasons I'd rather leave the hosting in the UK all the time.

The company that has been housing the server for me is moving so I have to put the server in a temporary location for a couple of months until I can find a better home for it. I don't know what the speed or reliability will be like at its temporary home, but I expect it should be good enough for the traffic the site normally receives.