Fost 4 release now out

Created 27th September, 2011 07:06 (UTC), last edited 27th September, 2011 07:15 (UTC)

The latest version of Fost was tagged in our repositories a few days ago.

The big changes are support for newer versions of Boost, including 1.46 and 1.47. We have now deprecated versions prior to 1.41.

We have fixed up and tidied up a fair bit in the networking libraries. Most importantly, we have fixed a problem that was causing large data sends to get truncated under some circumstances and have fixed up some time out handling across the board.

The next version is due out in December 2011.

Linux & Mac
svn co fost-hello
cd fost-hello

On the Mac you will need to set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH before running hello-world-d

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=dist/lib
svn co fost-hello
cd fost-hello

Download locations

Everything is available through our Subversion repository. Below are the locations for the tagged releases for Fost components.

Detailed change log


  • Changed some test logging messages so they don't look like real errors any more.
  • Added support for Boost 1.46.
  • Added a time logging function that logs any individual test that takes more than ten seconds to run.
  • Added a timer to the datetime library which allows us to time how long parts of a program execution take.
  • The insert functions for JSON values now use a coerce rather than a JSON constructor so the API will work with more data types.


  • Connection errors now report the host and port they're trying to connect to.
  • The pop3 tests now allow the server to be configured, and it is more aggressive in keeping the mailbox empty.
  • The pop client includes some extra logging describing what it is doing.
  • Made a change to the TCP time out handling to support the version of gcc that Macs use.
  • Made some changes to support Boost 1.46.0.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing occasional data packets to be lost when sending large blocks of data.
  • Implemented a proper exception type for a particular networking error.
  • Improved the time out handling for large downloads where the download size is known in advance.
  • Added in a connect timeout which defaults to ten seconds.


  • Boost 1.46.0 is now properly supported.
