First one JordiB 4th June, 2009 07:58 (UTC)

The first set of rectangles has a total area of 48, so I really don't see how I can draw a rectangle around it which has an area of only 24, unless we're allowed to use a third dimension or something ,but I don't think that's the idea.

Having said that, here is how you can arrange them to get an area of 48. No rotation is needed.


Maybe I'll look into the other ones if I have time.

First one Kirit Sælensminde 4th June, 2009 07:59 (UTC)
JordiB said

The first set of rectangles has a total area of 48, so I really don't see how I can draw a rectangle around it which has an area of only 24, unless we're allowed to use a third dimension or something ,but I don't think that's the idea.

You're absolutely right — I'll correct the post. I thought I'd done so already.

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