Fost 4 Docker images

Created 2nd September, 2014 02:15 (UTC), last edited 28th April, 2017 07:22 (UTC)

We're starting to put together a few docker images including base containers suitable for building other services on top of as well as some demo containers.

All images are based on the official Ubuntu image. The releases are tagged, e.g.:

  • kayess/ubuntu-updated:trusty
  • kayess/ubuntu-updated:xenial
  • kayess/ubuntu-updated:yakkety
  • kayess/ubuntu-updated:zesty
  • kayess/ubuntu-updated:latest (currently Zesty)

Basic images


This is a totally bare bones image that includes the latest security updates and is able to execute apt commands properly.


Based on kayess/ubuntu-updated this image provides a simple minimal init process that reaps zombies. This should help to improve the long term stability of services that are to run inside the container.


Very similar to kayess/minit, the main difference being that when the init system finds that the server process has died for any reason it will restart it.


Includes packages needed to execute Fost code, but assumes that you will be building the entirety of the Fost dependencies to include in your images.


Configured to allow building of Fost libraries. It provides a command fost-build that is passed the build command to run. It sets the output location to /src/dist-docker and installs the correct version of the Boost libraries.

sudo docker run -v $(pwd):/src -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -it kayess/fost-builder fost-build ./compile toolset=gcc release

The -v makes your source folder available to the container, and the -u option ensures that the files created during the build are owned by your account on the host.


Beanbag is a lightweight JSON based no-SQL database that supports transactions. It is fully ACID.


This is a small development/runtime base. It provides a beanbag web server pre-configured to handle a number of beanbags together with the ability to serve static files. The beanbag seed project shows how to use this with AngularJS.


This is a stand-alone demo of the GPLed TLA FAQ. You can run it using:

sudo docker pull kayess/beanbag-gtf && sudo docker run -td -p 9000:2222 kayess/beanbag-gtf

And then connect to the demo application at http://localhost:9000/.
